on the move

BayWa How can growth stra­te­gies evolve in a ra­pidly changing market? What role do brand and brand manage­ment play in this? BayWa’s brand manage­ment faced the chal­len­ges posed by myriad changes and com­plex issues. We helped the BayWa brand evolve and grow from its long-estab­lished essence.

  • Brand & marketing strategy
  • Positioning / identity
  • Corporate design
  • Digital / UX / UI design
  • Imagery / illustration / iconography
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Success­ful brand manage­ment means seeing the brand as a key en­abler within the company.

Martina Wallek

The transformative power of pro­active brand management

Modern brand manage­ment means es­tab­lishing the brand as an en­abler within the com­pany. To­gether with BayWa’s Cor­porate Marke­ting, we de­veloped tools that Brand Manage­ment can use to effec­tive­ly steer the brand while making the most of its new poten­tial. We added more emo­tion to the brand and intro­duced a flexible de­sign for all target audi­ences and channels to ele­vate the brand ex­peri­ence. The result: A vibrant, con­sis­tent iden­tity across all touch points that strengthens the brand.

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Fewer principles, more variety

BayWa’s culture of solidarity and res­pon­si­bi­li­ty for so­ciety and the en­viron­ment stems from its co­opera­tive roots. Our idea was to make this sense of unity the basis for e­vol­ving the cor­porate de­sign. One way we did this was to ex­pand the colour palette to give the brand more nuances and there­by open up new oppor­tu­ni­ties for design.

We made the brand ele­ments more flexib­le, al­lowing BayWa to align their many dif­fer­ent touch points with their various tar­get audiences.

Franziska Bierbichler

One foundation – many com­mu­ni­cation activities

The company’s com­mu­ni­cation ac­tivi­ties are as di­verse as BayWa’s tar­get audien­ces. From B2B and B2C pro­duct and image com­mu­ni­ca­tion to in­ves­tor re­­la­tions, em­ployer branding and social media com­mu­ni­ties: The brand needs a solid foun­da­tion to address all audi­ences with the right con­tent and in the right tone.

Simpli­fying and mo­der­nising the basic ele­ments means that BayWa can commu­ni­cate more effec­tive­ly while trans­por­ting their core ideas.

Johanna Gottschalk

The brand re­fresh is the foun­da­tion for our stra­te­gic brand ma­nage­ment – a clear value-add to BayWa’s sus­tained success.

Susanne Spanl

What makes a brand excellent?

Through a re­fined iden­ti­ty and con­sis­tent com­mu­ni­ca­tion, BayWa en­han­ces its brand quali­ty. A stronger cus­tomer orien­ta­tion and emo­tio­nal ele­ment in­ten­si­fies the con­nec­tion with tar­get audi­ences. The re­ference to the com­pany’s origins, clearly defined princip­les and res­pon­sive adap­ta­tion to market changes strengthens people’s trust in the brand. Against the back­drop of cons­tant change, an in­ternal brand aware­ness and strong commit­ment among em­­ployees play an im­por­tant role in the com­pany’s sus­tained success.

BayWa AG

BayWa AG develops inno­va­tive, sustainable solu­tions for meeting basic needs, such as food, housing, heat, electricity and mo­bility. Founded in 1923, the Munich-based parent com­pany was origi­nal­ly in­volved in the co­opera­tive land trade: BayWa supplied rural areas with every­thing needed for the agri­cul­tu­ral indus­try. Today, BayWa is active in the areas of agri­cul­ture, con­struc­tion and energy in over 50 countries.

Meet the team
  • Kms team Franziska Bierbichler Account Director 4 3

    Franziska Bierbichler

    Account Director

  • Kms team Johanna Gottschalk Senior Designer 4 3

    Johanna Gottschalk

    Senior Designer

  • Kms team Julia Puga Senior Strategist 4 3

    Julia Puga

    Senior Strategist

Unsere Leistungen
  • Brand & marketing strategy
  • Positioning / identity
  • Brand architecture & portfolio
  • Corporate design
  • Digital / UX / UI design
  • Motion design
  • Logo design
  • Imagery / illustration / iconography
  • Websites / apps
  • Brand & corporate communication
  • Brand communication & campaign
  • Brand portals & documentation
  • Brand support