Unlimited in

Doppelmayr The search for new mobility concepts has reached the third dimen­sion: Rope­ways are a smart, efficient trans­por­tation system for bustling urban areas, setting new standards in sustain­ability. We advised global market leader Doppelmayr on important decisions regarding brand strategy, de­veloping a new visual identity for their family of brands.

The project involved re­viewing the brand identity and port­folio strategy, as well as re­aligning the customer ex­perience with future patterns of inter­action. Head of Group Marketing at Doppelmayr Jürgen Pichler explains: »The future of cable-drawn mobility is digital and connected. KMS TEAM helped us optimise our brand and how we manage it, making it as strong and viable for the future as our products.«

  • Brand & marketing strategy
  • Brand architecture & portfolio
  • Corporate design
  • Motion design
  • Logo design
  • Imagery / illustration / iconography
  • Websites / apps
  • Brand & corporate communication
  • Brand portals & documentation
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A signet for the entire family

The Austrian family-owned business is one of the few pro­viders of compre­hen­sive end-to-end solutions in the field of cable-drawn mobility – from feasibili­ty studies to operations. They also manage digital solutions and services in house – yet another area of expertise.

The family of brands unites all Group brands and com­panies related to ropeways under a shared mark: The Doppelmayr brand logos are the most impor­tant design element of the new visual identity, clearly identi­fying their connec­tion to each other.

We updated Doppelmayr’s venerable logo, using it as the basis for all brands. It bundles their indi­vidual strengths, creating strategic synergies. It also amplifies their look both within the Group and in the market.

The tagline »Unlimited in Motion« references the family-owned business’ 130 years of success as well as their bold move into the future.

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Website and user experience

We in­corporated the new visual identity in the digital space as well: Micro­ani­mations and inter­action be­haviours help users ex­perience the under­lying idea of floating and gliding.

We com­pletely re­structured the corporate website, adding modern, scalable modules. The bold use of modern typo­graphy com­bined with inspiring service modules and func­tionali­ties makes the website an industry bench­mark.

We also cus­tomised a brand portal to make the new identity elements acces­sible to every­one who works with the brand.

Doppelmayr Brand Portal

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KMS TEAM helped us op­ti­mise our brand and how we man­age it, making it as strong and viable for the future as our products.

Jürgen Pichler
Head of Group Marketing Doppelmayr

About Doppelmayr

The quality, techno­logy and market leader in ropeway cons­truction, Doppelmayr Group has produc­tion facili­ties as well as sales and service locations in 50 countries around the world. The com­pany has con­struc­ted over 15,400 rope­way systems for clients in 96 countries to date. These include high-perfor­mance rope­ways for moving people and materials, efficient intra­logis­tics systems as well as creative ex­perien­ces. With over 3,300 em­ployees, Doppelmayr Group generated 946 million euros in revenue in the 2022/2023 fiscal year.

  • Brand & marketing strategy
  • Brand architecture & portfolio
  • Corporate design
  • Motion design
  • Logo design
  • Imagery / illustration / iconography
  • Websites / apps
  • Brand & corporate communication
  • Brand portals & documentation