
Miele To achieve their growth targets and secure their premium posi­tioning over the long term, Miele is changing the role that branding plays in their orga­nisation – from guide­line centre to business enabler. We worked with Miele to define the com­pany’s first-ever brand model, es­tablishing the brand as a manage­ment tool within the organi­sation. This turns every customer ex­perience into a brand experience.

Miele is a family-run busi­ness with an ex­tensive range of products and locations in over 100 countries. Since the company’s founding, the brand promise »forever better« has re­pre­sented their un­com­promising commit­ment to quality – giving Miele the inter­national re­putation of being one of the most trusted German brands.

  • Digital growth
  • Positioning / identity
  • Innovative organisation & processes
  • Brand & consumer experience strategy
  • Brand activation
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»Like many other com­panies, Miele is currently facing the challenge of de­veloping new busi­ness models and authentic customer ex­periences as part of their digital trans­for­mation and sus­tainable operations – while bringing the tradi­tional success strategies of their premium brand into the future. The answer seems to be as simple as it is com­plicated, especially when one considers the many different products, channels and customer needs involved: Every customer ex­perience needs to become a modern brand ex­perience«, explains KMS TEAM Managing Partner Simon Betsch.

Miele is changing the role that branding plays in their organi­sation: Instead of being used to main­tain static assets and imple­ment design guide­lines, it will take on a central manage­ment function within the company. The brand is the starting point for inspira­tion and the establish­­ment of cross-functional teams that will work on designing dis­tinctive Miele brand ex­periences together – from Product Develop­ment to HR and e‑commerce.

Every customer ex­perience needs to become a modern brand ex­perience.

Simon Betsch

Based on customer feed­back from the US, Europe and China, we refined the brand identity and defined the first-ever brand model in the company’s history: It describes the brand’s DNA, how it feels, and how it operates. The new identity provides guide­lines for the company’s behaviour as well as a roadmap for the entire organisation.

We worked with Miele to define Premium Ex­perience Principles that build a bridge between the company’s identity and brand experiences. We revised the cor­porate design elements and com­ponents on this basis, and organised them in the Digital Design System.

Brand develop­ment happens colla­bora­tively and across the organi­zation, rather than solely within the brand manage­ment depart­ment. We inte­grate it with a per­formance-driven approach into the existing struc­ture and on­going processes — rather than imple­men­ting it through a rollout afterward.

We design and facilitate this involve­ment process, working to­gether with the teams to develop the relevant opera­­tional frame­­works for them. Through work­­shops for approximate­ly 30 organiza­­tional units and over 500 multipliers world­wide, we address key ques­tions: What does this mean for my work? What do I need?

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Together with KMS TEAM, we have developed a future-proof brand management model that reduces complexity while integrating the brand into the company’s workflows.

Andreas Wieser

We established the Digital Design Collective as a new central orga­nisa­tional entity. The DDC serves as a plat­form and routine for all Miele’s digital teams to colla­borate and align, including the once-separate Product and e‑commerce teams. The goal is to achieve a customer journey that en­com­passes all products and channels – effectively communi­cating the Miele brand and its premium posi­tioning at every touch point.

Miele Global Brand Director Andreas Wieser ex­plains: »Together with KMS TEAM, we have de­veloped a future-proof brand manage­ment model that reduces com­plexity while inte­grating the brand into the company’s work­flows. With the right tools and pro­cesses, it em­powers every­one working with our brand to create a dis­tinctive and con­sistent Miele premium ex­perience.«

Lucas de Groot designed the Miele type­face. The agency We are Social is handling the com­pany’s social media.


Miele is con­sidered the world's leading provider of premium home appliances, offering a port­folio that includes kitchen, laundry, and floor care products. Additio­nally, the company provides machines, systems, and services for use in hotels, offices, and care facilities, as well as in medical technology. Since its founding in 1899, Miele has remained committed to its brand promise, »for­ever better« — focusing on quality, inno­vation, per­formance, and time­less elegance.

With its durable and energy-efficient appliances, Miele helps its cus­tomers lead a more sus­tain­able every­day life. The company remains family-owned by the founding families, Miele and Zinkann, and operates 15 pro­duc­tion sites, including eight in Germany. Miele employs around 22,700 people world­wide and recently reported a revenue of €4.96 billion. The com­pany is head­quartered in Gütersloh, Westphalia.

  • Audit & research
  • Brand & marketing strategy
  • Digital growth
  • Positioning / identity
  • Innovative organisation & processes
  • UX strategy
  • Consumer Journeys & Zielgruppensegmentierung
  • Corporate design
  • Digital / UX / UI design
  • Design system
  • Motion design
  • Imagery / illustration / iconography
  • Websites / apps
  • Film & animation
  • Packaging design
  • Brand & consumer experience strategy
  • User experience design