Strong on im­ple­men­ta­tion with a per­so­nal focus

nexpert isn’t your ordi­nary ma­nage­ment con­sulting firm. They see them­selves as a »turn­around com­pany« specia­lized in actively guiding or­ga­ni­za­tions through crises, major changes and trans­for­ma­tions rather than just pro­viding ad­vice. nexpert achieves this with me­tho­do­logi­cal and techno­logi­cal ex­pertise, entre­pre­neurial ex­perience and honesty. The result: custo­mized con­cepts and targeted measures with im­mediate impact and long-lasting success.

Initially, nexpert hired us to re­design their com­pany web­site. We started this process by re­fining their brand iden­tity and value proposition.

  • Positioning / identity
  • Corporate design
  • Digital / UX / UI design
  • Typography / corporate fonts
  • Imagery / illustration / iconography
  • Websites / apps

We ana­lysed nexpert’s brand and digital DNA in a pro­duc­tive work­shop with the com­pany. All parti­ci­pants took a prag­matic, honest approach to this pro­cess, which quickly yielded the desired result: This con­sul­ting firm’s goal is to act both effec­tive­­ly and humanely in their work.

We re­con­figured the focus areas of our services based on our target audi­ences: When com­muni­cating with some­one in eco­nomic and often per­so­nal crisis, we quick­ly and simp­ly convey what nexpert does to win their trust. We also give poten­tial appli­cants a clear under­stan­ding of what sets nexpert apart from other con­sulting firms – as a place that wel­comes self-starters ready to make meaning­ful change.

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This pro­vided the basis for adap­ting the look and feel of the brand: We created an evolu­tionary design with im­proved usa­bility tailored speci­fi­cally to the needs of the com­pany and their target audiences.

KMS TEAM Design Director Denis Speh explains: »A product vision state­ment is an im­portant tool that helps us answer ques­tions and elimi­nate any doubt that might arise when cre­ating or de­signing user ex­perien­ces.« We trans­lated the value pro­position »Wir retten Exis­tenzen« (»We save liveli­hoods«) into an in­for­mation archi­tec­ture aligned with specific needs as well as a dy­namic design.

New and addi­tional colour palettes, a dis­tinc­tive sans-serif font and a dy­namic layout sys­tem based on the circle in the logo effec­tive­ly visua­lize the theme of trans­formation. We also re­worked the illus­tra­tions and created a media player and pod­cast cover.

Photo Shoot

A personal iden­tity pro­motes trust. We orga­nized a photo shoot to make nexpert’s people more approach­able. In­cor­po­rating portrait videos on the web­site gives it a more per­sonal feel.

nexpert Managing Partner Florian Heinze explains: »KMS TEAM is goal-oriented and strong on imple­men­ta­tion – just like us. The team quickly under­stood our goals and why we needed a new online pre­sence. Today, our web­site clearly trans­ports our posi­tioning: nexpert is a capable partner for com­panies in need and pro­vides an ideal working environ­ment for ini­tia­tive-takers ready to make an impact.«


nexpert isn’t your classic con­sul­ting firm. In­stead, nexpert aspires to im­prove the com­panies that work with them, getting them back on the road to success. In addition to the finan­cial reali­ties, nexpert al­ways fo­cuses on the people be­hind the num­bers in their work. Since 2008, 40 em­ployees at six lo­ca­tions have de­di­cated their indi­vidual ex­pertise to over 400 projects.

  • Brand & marketing strategy
  • Purpose & corporate vision
  • UX strategy
  • Corporate design
  • Digital / UX / UI design
  • Typography / corporate fonts
  • Imagery / illustration / iconography
  • Websites / apps
  • Brand & consumer experience strategy
  • User experience design