Treadingnew channels

Penguin is a well-known name – many people think of the legen­dary publi­shing house to which we owe most of the English-langu­age books on our shelves. But Penguin is more, be­cause it also stands for Penguin Random House (part of the Bertelsmann Group), one of the largest publi­shing houses in the world. The German subsi­diary alone owns over 40 pub­lishing houses, in­cluding such famous names as Heyne, Goldmann and Luchterhand.

Does such a strong and estab­lished com­pany even need support from KMS? Very much so. What it was all about was to give the um­brella brand, which had pre­vious­ly only commu­ni­cated at B2B level, a B2C presence and to design it in a con­tem­porary and attrac­tive way for a broad audience on the website and social media channels.

As a first step, we ad­vised our client on the choice of the name »Penguin« for the B2C sector, while the B2B brand re­mained Penguin Random House; this also in­cluded differen­tia­tion strate­gies regarding Penguin Verlag, which continues to commu­ni­cate auto­no­mously within the group.

  • Brand & marketing strategy
  • Positioning / identity
  • Corporate design
  • Typography / corporate fonts
  • Naming / tagline
  • Websites / apps

In terms of design, we utilised the charisma of the Penguin icon and developed a generative system for visuals by zooming in on the con­tours of the emble­matic penguin figure (and thus into the DNA of the brand). Added to this was a colour con­cept that works with tone-on-tone grada­tions within a de­fined palette and a typo­graphic mo­derni­sation based on the existing brand fonts.

In addi­tion to the main account, which re­flects the basic con­cept, we created the de­sign for the ›New Adults‹ channel with a focus on ro­mance novels.

Marina Becker

Following the very stream­lined branding process, we de­veloped de­tailed con­cepts for the design of themed social media channels. In addition to the main account, which reflects the basic concept, we created the design for the »New Adults« channel with a focus on romance novels, which is particu­larly well suited to its bright colours and gradient motif. In the child­ren’s book area, we relied on bold colours and target group-appro­priate back­ground drawings.

It is impor­tant that the different, differen­tiated channels together create a coherent appear­ance that gives the brand an attrac­tive, re­cognis­able face for a diversi­fied reading audience.

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In the child­ren’s book area, we relied on bold colours and target group-appro­pri­ate back­ground drawings.

Marina Becker

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Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe GmbH is a company of the media group Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA. Penguin Random House employs around 950 people at its sites in Munich (headquarters) and Gütersloh (Gütersloh publishing house). The more than 40 book publishers in Germany's largest trade book publishing group publish up to 2,500 books a year in the fields of fiction, children's and young adult books, non-fiction, art books and how-to books in hardcover, paperback, e-book and audiobook formats.

  • Brand & marketing strategy
  • Corporate design
  • Typography / corporate fonts
  • Naming / tagline
  • Websites / apps