VW California:
From Icon to Brand

Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles is starting a new chapter with the intro­duction of the new »California« brand. The community of the popular California camper van will have a com­pre­hensive range of services and ex­periences available to them. Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles is creating a platform, which extends far be­yond the model of the same name.

As lead agency, we supported the develop­ment of the California brand – ad­vising the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles team in all brand develop­ment and brand manage­ment issues. Since its world premiere in 1988, the California has sold over 200,000 models – making it one of the most success­ful camper vans of all time. It has captured the hearts of its fans: For many, the California is synony­mous with the free­dom of the open road and a unique way of life.

  • Corporate design
  • Design system
  • Logo design
We communi­cate this entire world under our own California brand – a brand that stands for free­dom, the out­doors and adventure.

Sandra Waidelich

»Our goal is to offer cus­tomers a 360° camping plat­form, including every­thing that they would need for the perfect camping ex­perience: camp­sites, accessories, service offers, events, life­style items and, of course, our California models. We communi­cate this entire world under our own California brand – a brand that stands for free­dom, the out­doors and adven­ture,« explains Sandra Waidelich, CMO Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles.

With the newly developed California symbol, the brand gains a striking and un­mis­takable visual identity. Inspired by the capital »C«, its design en­capsu­lates in a highly abstract way key California asso­ciations – sun, road, cove, wave – while leaving room for indi­vidual inter­pretation. Every­one who sees it can find their own California world reflected in the symbol.

We have crafted a multi­faceted California uni­verse com­posed of three color-coded environ­ments: »Rugged Nature«, »Elegant Urban«, and »Atmos­pheric Coastline«. These worlds are enriched by stylised topo­graphic lines, re­inforcing their unique iden­tity. With a con­tinuously expanding range of lifestyle products, the California worlds offer flexi­bility and enable a more targeted, immer­sive engage­ment with each specific California audience.

California is more than a place and more than a camper van. It’s a mind­set that people can ex­perience in many different ways.

Jürgen Adolph

Jürgen Adolph, Director KMS TEAM Düsseldorf, explains »California is more than a place and more than a camper van. It’s a mind­set that people can ex­perience in many different ways. To­gether with the partner agencies Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles brought on board for this project, we’ve trans­lated this fasci­nation into a brand design that is as flexible as it is consistent.«

In collaboration with other agencies for different touch points (website, app, permanent & temporary spaces, merchan­dise and campaign), we directed the develop­ment of the new cor­porate design to create a con­sistent overall system.

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Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles

As a leading manu­facturer of light commercial vehicles, the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles (VWN) brand is funda­mentally re­shaping and sus­tainably re­defining the trans­port of goods, people, and services. At its pro­duction sites in Hanover (Germany), Poznań (Poland), Września (Poland), and Pacheco (Argentina), approximately 23,000 employees manu­facture vehicles for both commercial and private customers. Models such as the Transporter, Multivan, Caddy, Crafter, Amarok, ID. Buzz, and the California series delight cus­tomers every day.

Within the Volkswagen Group, VWN also serves as the lead brand for auto­nomous driving in connection with mobility services like Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) and Transport-as-a-Service (TaaS) – fields where it actively helps shape the future of mobility.

Meet the team
  • Kms team juergen adolph 4 3

    Jürgen Adolph


  • Kms team antonios jansen gessas 4 3

    Antonios Jansen-Gessas

    Senior Designer KMS TEAM

  • Kms team andreas zeischegg 03 4 3

    Andreas Zeischegg

    Design Director

  • Corporate design
  • Design system
  • Logo design