IT expertise,
straight to the point

Xenium, the IT consultancy Xenium faced a key challenge: How can we refine our brand to make it even clearer and more visible in the future—while truly reflecting what we stand for?

Together, we succeeded in distilling the essence of the com­pany and its vision into a clear strategic positioning and a visual identity that credibly, distinc­tively, and con­fidently communi­cates Xenium’s expertise. The brand now plays a more central role in business success and com­peti­tive differen­tiation—in every pixel of the new cor­porate design.

Dr. Wolfgang Reissenberger, Board Member and Partner at Xenium, explains: »KMS TEAM has advised us in the truest sense of the word, and I felt under­stood from the very beginning. The task was a real challenge for us. From the strategic founda­tion to the new corporate design, the team guided us through the entire process with great clarity and crea­tivity. The result is out­standing – some­thing entirely new that truly reflects us as a company and as individuals. And the best part: working with KMS TEAM was an absolute pleasure.«

At the heart of the visual concept is the »Xenie« – inspired by the Greek term for »gift«. Reduced to a square, or a pixel, it embodies precision, flexi­bility, and the added value that clients ex­perience when working with Xenium.

The new logo puts the »x« front and centre, symbo­lizing the dialogue bet­ween em­ployees and clients. Rounded shapes give it a confi­dent presence while main­taining approach­ability and warmth.

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Every pixel has a role, the grid pro­vides the frame­work – a dance of struc­ture and expression.

Lilith Suppmann

A vibrant colour palette re­inforces the brand’s commit­ment to digital inno­vation and future-readiness. The DIN typeface, used as a variable font, allows for a broad range of ex­pressions – from serious to playful communi­cation. Authentic imagery captures real people in real work settings, re­flecting the company’s genuine and people-centric culture.

Digital inter­action be­haviours bring the concept of communi­cative close­ness to life through fluid, responsive UI ani­mations derived from the brand’s core elements.

The design system adapts flexibly to various needs, enabling both professional, factual communi­cation and more ex­pressive, emotional accents where perso­nality is key.

The result: A brand identity that not only stands out but also moves boldly and digitally into the future.

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From the strategic founda­tion to the new corporate design, KMS TEAM guided us through the entire pro­cess with great clarity and creativity.

Dr. Wolfgang Reissenberger


Xenium supports its clients in managing IT projects and shaping processes and technical systems. The IT consultancy’s specialty: getting critical IT projects back on track and leading them to success. For 25 years, Xenium’s consul­tants have achieved this through precise require­ments, a clear business archi­tecture, appro­priate tech­nologies, and realistic plans.

  • Brand & marketing strategy
  • Positioning / identity
  • Corporate design
  • Digital / UX / UI design
  • Logo design
  • Typography / corporate fonts
  • Imagery / illustration / iconography