Seeing possibilities, seizing opportunities, finding the space in which you can focus your energy and talents free of politics and hierarchies: This is what it’s like to work at KMS TEAM.

We have a clear goal: to deliver outstanding work and make a difference. This happens when we grow together in an atmosphere of collaboration, enjoyment and respect.

Are you driven by desire to contribute to exceptional projects? Do you find issues that are significant to society more interesting? Or do you want to explore how companies and people can interact in a more meaningful, sustainable way? Whatever the case may be – if you’re looking to combine freedom with accountability in your work, you’ve come to the right place.

Your contribution can (and should) aid us in our mission to bring about positive transformation in companies and organisations worldwide.


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  • Sonstiges
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Join us

Join our team – and help us shape brands and markets. Svenja looks forward to your application.

Svenja Knoth,
Human Resources Director

Why do I work at KMS TEAM? Incredible design, brand strategy excellence and a broad range of projects.
Romea Doherty
Client Director KMS TEAM
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I hope sharing my jour­ney as a de­signer inspires many aspiring crea­tives to follow their passion.

Lilith Suppmann

What does a designer do? For the ARD alpha Uni format of the BR, our designer Lilith Suppmann provides an honest look into her daily work, unique challenges, and the great joy of pursuing her dream job.

Watch the episode here

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The special thing about KMS is that I get to work with all types of people from a huge range of disciplines – people with different opinions, knowledge and input.

Gabriel Weiß

Actually, I just wanted to do an intern­ship. Five years later, I’m a designer and I’m still here, because the mix­ture of great projects and great people is what defines KMS TEAM for me.

Marina Becker

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