trans­formation story

5/13/2022 Fiducia & GAD IT AG, one of Germany’s largest IT com­panies, under­went a suc­cess­ful realign­ment in the past few years – com­pleting an organi­sational and cultural trans­formation: from IT service provider to the coopera­tive FinanzGruppe to its digi­talisation partner.

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At the CXI Conference on 3 June 2022, Maika-Alexander Stangen­berg, Service Field Lead Communi­cation and Marke­ting at Atruvia AG, John Bache, Managing Partner VIM Group and our Managing Partner Simon Betsch will provide insights into the trans­formation that resulted in a new com­pany and the new Atruvia brand. They will high­light the chal­lenges they faced from the com­pany’s and agency’s perspec­tives, along with the solutions they devel­oped together – and why such trans­forma­tions can only be success­ful if every­one gets actively involved: employees, manage­ment, leader­ship and key stake­holders.

»Brands create confidence. They connect a com­pany’s strengths and cred­ibility today with the future ambitions and values of cus­tomers and markets. The new Atruvia brand emerged from this very ambition. It is the product of the trans­formation, but also provides the frame­work for the trans­formation needed to be success­ful in future«, explains Simon Betsch.