High Five

10 kms team news red dot 2024 1 2

7/24/2024 Five entries, five wins!

We are delighted to have won three Red Dots in the »Corporate Design & Identity« category for our new visual identities for Münchner Wohnen, Düsseldorf Conservation Center RED and iprona.

The jury also honoured our cookbook »Genuss« for Zürcher Kantonalbank with two further awards in the categories »Publishing & Print Media, Books« and »Illustrations, Book & Cover Illustrations«.

»In search of good design« – the Red Dot Design Award is one of the world’s largest design com­pe­ti­tions. The Red Dot Label has become es­tab­lished inter­natio­nally as one of the most sought-after marks of quality for good design. In order to appraise the diver­sity in this field in a profes­sional manner, the Red Dot Design Award breaks down into three dis­ci­plines. Com­pe­ti­tions for each of these dis­cip­lines are held once every year.