Unlimited in Digital

10/25/24 We are thrilled to have been awarded a Silver Annual Multimedia Award 2025 in the »Website & Microsite« cate­gory for the re­launch of Doppelmayr’s corporate website.

To the award

Rope­ways are setting new standards as a smart, efficient trans­por­tation system – both in summer and winter tourism regions as well as in urban areas. In this con­text, world market leader Doppelmayr faced the following challenge: How can the brand and brand manage­ment be strengthened and optimized to con­fidently meet the challenges of digitali­zation? How can Doppelmayr's brand vision »Unlimited in Motion« be brought to life in the digital realm?

Our joint project in­volved re­viewing the brand identity and port­folio strategy, as well as realigning the cus­tomer ex­perience to match future inter­action patterns. The new web­site reflects this digital trans­formation through im­proved UX/UI design with brand-specific inter­action and motion patterns. In addition, we developed con­cepts for AR/VR and soft­ware appli­cations, further extending Doppelmayr’s brand vision into the digital space: from »Unlimited in Motion« to »Unlimited in Digital«.

Since its inception in 1996, the Annual Multimedia Award has supported and docu­mented the vibrancy of digital brand communi­cation. It highlights the current state of the art, show­cases trends, and illustrates the digital advertising land­scape of the year.

Our winner