California – Freedom on Four Wheels

9/2/2024 The Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles California brand is presenting their new corporate design at Caravan Salon 2024 in Düsseldorf. Strategy and design agency KMS TEAM is the lead agency responsible for its development. Since celebrating its world premiere in 1988, California has become one of the most successful motor homes of all time with over 200,000 models sold – capturing the hearts of this community. Many see California as the epitome of automotive freedom and a very unique attitude towards life.

Our goal is to expand the California brand to become its own outdoor and adventure brand.

Sandra Waidelich, CMO

Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles has big plans for the next gen­er­ation California and its new corporate design. »Our goal is to expand the California brand to become its own out­door and ad­ven­ture brand. The California models are at the heart of our eco­sys­tem. The California world will deliver a 360° ex­per­ience through new cu­stom­er and product touch points«, explains Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles CMO Sandra Waidelich.

To transform California into a stand­alone life­style brand, KMS TEAM created a pragmatic, yet emotional design – es­tab­lish­ing a consistent system that is easy to im­ple­ment. The newly designed California symbol serves as the counterpart to the wordmark. Atmos­pheric colour gradients reflect the brand’s different ex­per­ience worlds. Stylised topo­graph­ical lines are another dis­tinc­tive feature. The agency advised the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles team in all aspects of brand develop­ment and brand manage­ment.

California is more than just a place, and more than just a mobile home. It’s an attitude that can be experienced in a wide variety of ways.

Jürgen Adolph

KMS TEAM Düsseldorf Director Jürgen Adolph adds: »›California‹ is more than just a place, and more than just a mobile home. It’s an attitude that can be ex­per­ien­ced in a wide variety of ways. We worked with partner agen­cies that Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles brought on board for the project. Together, we tran­slated the fas­cin­ation with California into an in­nova­tive brand design that people can ex­per­ience across all media.«

In collaboration with other agen­cies res­pon­sible for dif­fer­ent touch points (website, app, permanent & tem­porary spaces, merch­andise and cam­paign), KMS TEAM managed the deve­lop­ment of the new corporate design as the lead agency – ensuring a consistent overall system.

Click here for the articles from W&V and PAGE on the new corporate design for the California brand: